Dear Ashtangis,
It’s been a busy two months since you’ve last heard from me! I spent those weeks not only teaching, studying and traveling to yoga workshops, but also doing a lot of deep thinking about the studio and the next steps for Ashtanga Yoga Luzern. I feel that after two quiet years people slowly find the way back to their yoga mats and I ask myself what I wanna share with them and how I can best use my skills to do that. I’m full of ideas for the upcoming year – ready to let go of things that haven’t been working, open for changes, curious to see what comes 
Here’s an update about the upcoming changes and events:
- To make sure AYL has a fresh start into 2023, I’m working on a new website. The work is in progress and you can expect it to be launched any day now! I hope the new website will be more visually attractive, while still intuitive and easy to navigate. I will be curious to hear your feedback once it’s finished!
- The next update is a new class schedule. I followed your feedback from the survey and the only two changes for now will be a slightly earlier start to the Monday Led class (7pm instead of 7.15) and changing the Thursday evening class to Ashtanga Led class III. There was a lot of enthusiasm about me teaching the Full Primary Series every week, I hope the attendance will reflect it. If the classes pick up, I hope to open more classes in the next months, stay tuned!
- The third update is about the workshops. Sharing my knowledge with you in a more in-depth form is one of my favourite ways of teaching and therefore you can expect regular monthly workshops in the upcoming year. The topic for January will be ‘The art of vinyasa’ on January 14th – you can sign up here. Students new to Ashtanga can join the Introduction workshop on January 6th (–> sign up).
- Before the intense start into the next year, I will take a week off between December 26th and January 1st. I will restart the classes on January 2nd (Monday) and will teach on both public holidays that week (January 2nd & 6th). Your yoga passes will be extended accordingly. And if you are still looking for a last-minute Christmas gift, you can pop in the studio and get a beautiful gift voucher for a yoga class!
PS. If you would like to be added to our WhatsApp group to receive updates, practice tips and videos, please email me your phone number.
I wish you a beautiful, restful, joyous Christmas. Have a wonderful time eating and laughing with your loved ones, balanced with some quiet time just for yourself. In Poland we say that whatever you do on the day of Christmas Eve, you will do the whole next year. So make sure that this Saturday you unroll your yoga mat and set a good habit for 2023