


Ashtanga Yoga is known for it’s dynamic, flowing sequence that emphasises connection of breath and movement. It can become a beautiful moving meditation, but might also feel quite intimidating when you first join the class. The course will introduce you to both theoretical and practical aspects of Ashtanga Yoga. It will provide a solid foundation for those who want to start or who already attended some classes, but would like to learn more about the method.

Among other topics we will cover:

  • the main techniques we use in Ashtanga Yoga, including the ujjayi breath;
  • how to connect your breath and movement into flowing vinyasas;
  • the structure of the Ashtanga Yoga sequence and why we do it this way;
  • how to develop your own Ashtanga Yoga practice to be able to join Mysore classes or practice at home;
  • the goal of yoga and it’s basic philosophy.

After the workshop you will be able to join all the regular Ashtanga classes with good foundation and confidence. I encourage you to combine the workshop with the evening Ashtanga Led I class to directly apply your knowledge in practice.

I strongly recommend this workshop to all new students at Ashtanga Yoga Luzern. You don’t have to start with the workshop – you can also join it after already coming to some regular classes.

Date: March 18th (Tuesday), 18.00-19.00
Place: Weggisgasse 31, Luzern
Price: CHF 34 or a credit from your 5x/10x pass

Teacher: Martyna Syguda

The event will take place with the minimum of 2 participants, please sign up early. Free cancelations allowed up to 48 hours before the workshop. Please book your spot by using the online calendar.

luzern yoga workshops


Padmasana, the lotus pose, is a traditional way to sit for meditation or pranayama practice. It allows the practitioner to comfortably sit with their spine straight and works as a mudra – a position the mind associates with a peaceful state. It is also a starting point for a lot of therapeutic and fun asanas – like Marichyasana B & D, Garbha Pindasana and advanced arm balances.

However beneficial, this pose can be quite a challenge, especially if your hips are tight from sitting a lot or from doing other sports. In this class we will try different preparations that will open your hips for Padmasana. We will have a look at the correct technique to enter half- and full-lotus so that your knees and ankles stay safe.

The class is meant for yogis of all levels – those who struggle to put even one led in half-lotus as well as those who can already do it, but would like to deepen their padmasana for more advanced asanas.

Date:  14.03.2025 (Friday), 19.15 – 20.45
Place: Weggisgasse 31, Luzern
Price: CHF 45 until 07.03, regular price: CHF 55

Teacher: Martyna Syguda

The event will take place with the minimum of 4 participants. Free cancelations allowed up to 48 hours before the workshop. Please book your spot by using the online calendar.

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