Terms and Conditions

Ashtanga Yoga Luzern Terms and Conditions

1. Terms of Payment

All subscriptions to classes, workshops or other events must be paid in their entirety before first use. Except for unforeseen circumstances, the subscriptions are irredeemable and made payments will not be refunded. All yoga passes are personal.

Services can be paid on-site in cash or by online banking. Invoicing is available on inquiry. Bills must be paid within 14 days from the date of the invoice. After this time Ashtanga Yoga Luzern reserves the right to terminate a subscription.


2. Period of Validity

The period of validity of the subscription is binding. The period of validity of the service is indicated on the Yoga Pass the student receives during registration. Paid for but not used or only partially used subscriptions expire after the period of validity.

In the case of injury or illness ongoing subscriptions can be extended for the period of absence but for a maximal period of 4 weeks. This prolongation must be notified within a period of one week after the occurrence written by mail or e-mail (info@ashtanga-luzern.ch) including a copy of the medical certificate. A monetary refund is not possible.

In case of cancellation of the class due to the teacher’s holidays of sickness, the subscriptions will be extended accordingly.


3. Cancellation

Agreed dates and registrations are binding. The following deadlines apply, within which a free cancellation or cancellation is possible:

Regular afternoon/evening classes: 3 hours

Regular morning classes: until 7pm the previous day

Private lessons: 24 h

Workshops: 48 h

Ashtanga Yoga Luzern reserves the right to charge the full participation costs for persons who do not comply with the above mentioned notification periods.


4. Change of Offered Lessons, Prices and Opening Times

The offered lessons, prices and opening times can be changed at any time. Normally though all the changes will be done with at least one month notice. No refund is possible. No entitlement to reimbursement can be derived from this. Changes will be notified to the clients via newsletter, email, social media and / or the website.


5. Data Protection

All data that the participants have indicated on the registration form will be saved, treated confidentially and not made accessible to any unauthorized third parties. A complete deletion of all data will only be made on written request by the client.

Ashtanga Yoga Luzern will use the indicated e-mail addresses for personal messages and the distribution of the newsletter. The unsubscribing from the newsletter can be made independently by the recipient directly in the newsletter itself or by request via e-mail to info@ashtanga-luzern.ch.

During classes and especially during workshops Ashtanga Yoga Luzern reserves the right to take pictures and to use them for advertising purposes.


8. Liability

Each participant is responsible for his / her own well-being during the classes and other events. Existing physical conditions/ailments and pregnancy must be communicated to the teacher before each class. Ashtanga Yoga Luzern denies any responsibility for accidents and injuries, which happened in relation to the services of Ashtanga Yoga Luzern. Liability for consequential damage is excluded. Insurance is the responsibility of each participant.

The participant assumes complete liability for damages or losses whatsoever, especially for valuables and property brought by the participant.

Damage of Ashtanga Yoga Luzern property will be repaired at the cost of the person who has caused or provoked it.


 9. Applicable Law and Place of Jurisdiction

Applicable law is Swiss law. Place of jurisdiction is Lucerne.