The very heart of yoga is abhyasa –
steady effort in the direction you want to go.
Sally Kempton
Dear Ashtangis,
It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me! There’s been lots going on – starting with a workshop with my teacher in Portugal and then my yoga retreat in Ticino. I also got involved in a number of exciting projects here in Lucerne. After having to slow down in the last year and a half, it’s great to see that different projects and events are slowly picking up again – I’m happy to be a part of such lively community!
Below you can find an update about the classes and events in the next couple of weeks:
- First of all, I wanted to thank everyone who joined the Ashtanga yoga retreat in September. I feel like we could really dive deep into this practice and I simply enjoyed spending time with you. I’m already preparing the next retreat for you – I will post information on the website in the next couple of days, stay tuned!
- And before the retreat, you can still join the regular workshops in the studio. The next one, on November 13th, will be about opening the hips. Tight hips are a common problem, both for people who have a rather sedentary lifestyle and for those who are very active. In this workshop I will show you how to bring mobility back to your hips so that you can comfortably sit on the floor, improve backbends and prepare for lotus. The class is meant for all levels of practitioners, you can find more information here.
- For those of you, who are completely new to Ashtanga or only recently have joined my classes, I really recommend joining the next Introduction workshop on November 26th. In this workshop I cover all the basic theory and techniques that we use in regular classes.
- Please remember that covid certificates are obligatory to join the workshops and other events, like the Full Primary Series Led class (every first Sunday of the month). Because my classes are small and students meet on regular basis, you can still join the weekly classes without the certificate.
- Please remember that sign ups are obligatory for all the classes. In this way you save yourself a spot in the busy classes and I know when nobody wants to come. I require at least two students to be registered three hours before the class (or at 9pm for the morning classes). Simply book the class whenever you want to join and I will inform you in case it doesn’t take place.
- Small changes to our weekly schedule – like when I cancel a class because of my school or holidays – are listed under the timetable on the website. I will also keep you updated through our WhatsApp group*.
- Last, but not least: after some changes in the studio’s schedule, I have now a few time slots left for other teachers to rent the studio for regular classes and events. If you are looking for a space to teach or you know someone who wants to offer an event, please contact me – I will be happy to host your class!
*If you would like to be added to the group to receive updates, practice tips and videos, please email me your phone number.