August Newsletter

August Newsletter

August Newsletter 1920 949 Martyna

We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.

 S. Kelly Harrell


Dear Ashtangis,

I hope you are all enjoying the summer time and you managed to catch some of the rare sunrays! After a couple of days in Poland I’m back on track and I will be teaching regularly until I leave for my retreat in September. You can find a short update about our opening days and upcoming events below.

  • First of all, a reminder about our upcoming yoga retreat in Ticino. Starting on September 23rd we will spend four days in a nice little eco-resort, exploring different aspects of the Ashtanga Yoga practice. Yoga retreats are the best way to deepen your understanding about yoga and to improve your practice within a short period of time. It’s also a great occasion to get to know your teacher and fellow yogis in a cosy, informal setting. For organisational reasons, I will ask those of you,  who are interested, to sign up until this Friday (August 20th). Afterwards I can’t guarantee you a spot in the retreat. You can find all the information here, don’t hesitate to contact me directly in case you have questions!
  • This Saturday (August 21st) I will teach the next workshop about the finishing sequence of Ashtanga Yoga. The last poses we do in the classes belong to the most important and therapeutic asanas. We will go through different variations of backbends, inversions and lotus pose. I will show you how to perform the finishing sequence in a traditional way as well as how to modify it if needed. You can find more information about the workshop here
  • If weather allows, then on Sunday in two weeks (August 29th) I will give the last outdoor class this summer. We will meet again in the beautiful Dreilindenpark in Lucerne to practice yoga with a view. You can register through the website until Saturday at 15.00. More info.
  • Shortly before I leave to teach our yoga retreat, I will join one myself – I will go to Portugal to recharge my batteries, meet yoga friends and get some inspirations to share with you. I will be away to see my teacher Petri from September 13th for one week – there will be no classes during this time.
  • Those of you who know me a bit better, know how much I love to study and learn. I’ve recently decided to continue my psychology education and in October I will start a school for trauma therapists. I’m really excited about learning more about this subject, especially since it has a lot to do with body, nervous system and other things I observe as a yoga teacher. My education shouldn’t affect our class schedule much, but I might occasionally be away on Fridays. Such small changes will be announced under the class schedule and in our WhatsApp group*.





*If you would like to be added to the group to receive updates, practice tips and videos, please email me your phone number.