April Newsletter 1920 1188 Martyna

April Newsletter

If you can stand on your mat for yoga and you have available at least fifteen minutes, you are a truly lucky person. That alone is a priceless gift and a tool to improve your life, which not many have. With these thoughts have a sense of gratitude for what is available to you. Get…

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March Newsletter 1920 1039 Martyna

March Newsletter

You know your yoga practice is working when your life gets better, not when your yoga gets better. – Hala Khouri   Dear Ashtangis, As spring is slowly approaching, I see some yogis are waking up from their winter sleep and have more energy to practice in the morning 🙂 For me this time of the…

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January Newsletter 1920 1342 Martyna

January Newsletter

Before you’ve practiced, the theory is useless. After you’ve practiced, the theory is obvious. – David Williams   Dear Ashtangis, I hope you all had a good start into 2019 and that you made some yoga-related New Year’s resolutions 😉 If so, then I will try my best to help you stick to them and give you…

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December Newsletter 1920 1094 Martyna

December Newsletter

Dear Ashtangis, Christmas is just around the corner and I know that the preparations keep everyone busy this month. I hope you can still find a moment to unroll your yoga mat and do some sun salutations. Finding the time for your practice might be a challenge, but the clarity and peace that you feel…

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December schedule changes 1920 1078 Martyna

December schedule changes

Christmas is just around the corner which means there will be a few schedule changes in December due to public holidays. Please check the class timetable before joining the classes. Schedule updates in December: December 8th (Saturday) is a public holiday. The morning Led class will take place only if at least 3 people sign up. Please…

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November Newsletter 1920 1035 Martyna

November Newsletter

Dear Ashtangis, today is exactly one month since I taught my first class at the new studio in Weggisgasse. My heart is full of gratitude and I wanted to thank all of you for supporting me in the preparations, showing up at the opening and for coming so regularly to the classes at the new…

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Ashtanga Yoga Luzern is moving! 1920 712 Martyna

Ashtanga Yoga Luzern is moving!

As some of you know, it was my big dream for Ashtanga Yoga Luzern to have its own home. It took time and effort, but finally I can announce the good news: we are moving to a new beautiful studio in the old town of Lucerne 💛 From October 1st all the classes will be…

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July newsletter & Summer Ashtanga Yoga Pass 1920 898 Martyna

July newsletter & Summer Ashtanga Yoga Pass

Dear Ashtangis, energised after a wonderful workshop with Eddie Stern in Amsterdam, I’m happy to welcome the summer months, looking forward to more yoga events I’m planning to attend soon. Luckily, they won’t collide with my class schedule in Lucerne, so with just a few exceptions, I will be able to teach all the classes…

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Changes to the schedule, upcoming events & Auffahrt 1920 1157 Martyna

Changes to the schedule, upcoming events & Auffahrt

Dear Ashtangis, The long awaited Spring is finally here! This season is always a good time to take care of your body, to nourish it with healthy food and to develop good habits. I hope that yoga will be a part of your daily routine! Below you can find a quick update about changes to…

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Newsletter and info about my holidays in January 1920 1109 Martyna

Newsletter and info about my holidays in January

As most of you already know, in January I will go to Thailand to practice with Petri Raisanen. I will also have an honour to one more time assist Petri in his classes – I’m looking forward to teaching on the side of this experienced teacher. I will be away between January 5th and 20th…

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Ashtanga Yoga Luzern
Class schedule during Christmas & New Year 1920 705 Martyna

Class schedule during Christmas & New Year

Dear students, during the week between Christmas and New Year I will teach the classes as usual with only a few exceptions: Morning classes: there will be no Mysore class on Tuesday, December 26th. The classes on Thursday and Friday (Dec 28th & 29th) as well as following Tuesday (Jan 2nd) will take place. I…

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Ashtanga Yoga Luzern
Ashtanga Beginner class & Intro workshop 1920 762 Martyna

Ashtanga Beginner class & Intro workshop

Dear Yogis, I’m happy to see the quick progress of the beginners in the classes! In fact, all of you who used to come to the Ashtanga Beginner class on Thursday, shifted to more advanced classes and this one quickly became empty. Because there aren’t enough new students at the moment, I will have to…

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