June Newsletter: the studio opens for more students! 1920 1054 Martyna

June Newsletter: the studio opens for more students!

If the body is stiff that is understandable. But if the mind is also stiff then you can’t get anywhere. The mind has to become flexible. Geeta Iyengar Dear Ashtangis, I’m sure we are all happy to see that life in Lucerne is slowly getting back to normal and that we can start doing things…

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May Newsletter: reopening of the studio 1920 1079 Martyna

May Newsletter: reopening of the studio

And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure that the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s…

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Online classes with Ashtanga Yoga Luzern 1920 1023 Martyna

Online classes with Ashtanga Yoga Luzern

Dear Ashtangis,   I hope that everyone is well and healthy and that you can enjoy this quiet time at home. As I mentioned before, I’m sending a few more updates about the online classes and the ways we can stay in touch in the coming weeks.     From the next week on I will…

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Studio closed 1920 1081 Martyna

Studio closed

Dear Yogis,   As you might already know from the news, the Swiss state announced today a state of emergency to fight the coronavirus pandemic. In order to comply with the new regulations I will have to stop teaching all the classes as of tomorrow, March 17th, until the restrictions are lifted. All your yoga passes…

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February Newsletter 1920 1080 Martyna

February Newsletter

Begin; this is how to clear the polluted river. If you’re scared, scared to fail, I say begin already, fail if you must, pick yourself up, start again. If you fail again, you fail. So what? Begin again. It is not the failure that holds us back, but the reluctance to begin over again that…

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January Newsletter 1920 828 Martyna

January Newsletter

If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air. ‘Meditation’, Nayyirah Waheed   Dear Ashtangis, Time on a beautiful island goes by very fast – I really enjoyed the two weeks of practice and assisting Petri Räisänen in Thailand. But at the same time I was looking…

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Christmas Apéro and the class schedule for the holidays 1920 1028 Martyna

Christmas Apéro and the class schedule for the holidays

Christmas Apéro On December 21st (Saturday) you can take a little break from your Christmas preparations and stop by the studio between 16.00 and 18.00 to raise a glass with us to all the beautiful moments from the past year 🥂 There will be no yoga practice, but you can finally meet your friends from the…

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November Newslettter 1920 968 Martyna

November Newslettter

The balance of feminine and masculine that the practice requires is incredibly beautiful. The female body must become strong and controlled as the male body. The male body must become as supple and gentle as the female body. While this practice requires very masculine determination and effort of will, it also demands feminine vulnerability and…

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October Newsletter 1920 944 Martyna

October Newsletter

The body benefits from movement and the mind benefits from stillness. – Sakyong Mipham    Dear Ashtangis, One year ago today I taught my first class in the new studio in Weggisgasse. It’s been a busy year teaching full time, preparing workshops and taking care of the studio for you. I’m grateful to all the 115…

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Schedule changes 12-18.08 1920 1082 Martyna

Schedule changes 12-18.08

Dear Yogis, for family reasons I will be traveling to Poland for the next long weekend, August 15th to 18th. Therefore there will be a few changes in the next week’s schedule: – There will be no classes from Thursday (15.08) till Sunday (18.08). – The Full Primary Series Led class will be moved to…

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July Newsletter 1920 1080 Martyna

July Newsletter

The bridge between knowledge and skill is Practice. The bridge between skill and mastery is Time. – Jim Bouchard   Dear Ashtangis, I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful hot summer! The last couple of weeks you could feel as if you were practicing in India – the heat opens the body and makes it…

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May Newsletter 1920 998 Martyna

May Newsletter

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. – Brené Brown   Dear Ashtangis, it makes me very happy to see our yoga community growing and the classes are slowly filling up. Thank you for choosing this practice and for trusting me with your bodies. I really appreciate every single time you show up…

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