February Newsletter 1920 894 Martyna

February Newsletter

Buddha was asked: What have you gained from meditation? He replied: Nothing. However, let me let you what I have lost: anger, anxiety, depression, incecurity, fear of old age and death.   Dear Ashtangis, I guess all of you have already heard the happy news – from tomorrow on you can join the classes with no more…

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December Newsletter 1920 842 Martyna

December Newsletter

I look at the yoga exercises as a model for life. In life there are stresses all the time and you have to learn how to deal with them. In yoga you put your body through artificially induced stressful situations and you learn how to deal with them in a controlled environment. If I come…

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October Newsletter 1920 924 Martyna

October Newsletter

The very heart of yoga is abhyasa – steady effort in the direction you want to go.  Sally Kempton   Dear Ashtangis, It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me! There’s been lots going on – starting with a workshop with my teacher in Portugal and then my yoga retreat in Ticino. I also got…

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August Newsletter 1920 949 Martyna

August Newsletter

We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.  S. Kelly Harrell   Dear Ashtangis, I hope you are all enjoying the summer time and you managed to catch some of the rare sunrays! After a couple of days in Poland I’m back on track and I will be teaching regularly until I leave for my…

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July Newsletter 1920 1080 Martyna

July Newsletter

Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from cares, which will not withdraw from us.  Maya Angelou   Dear Ashtangis,  I’m writing to you with a short update and only happy news! After three long months of having to follow different…

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May Newsletter 1920 1080 Martyna

May Newsletter

 I have never had a practice that I regretted. Not once have I finished a routine and thought “Oh, I wish I hadn’t done that.” But there have been days that I didn’t practice and later I wished I had. David Swenson   Dear Ashtangis, After a busy couple of days following the government’s update of…

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Welcome back! 1920 1080 Martyna

Welcome back!

Going through challenging things can teach you a lot, and they also make you appreciate the times that aren’t so challenging. Carrie Fisher   Dear Ashtangis, After this prolonged break I’m writing to you with good news: our studio can open its doors again on Monday! It has been a long four months since I…

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Lockdown 2.0 1920 1065 Martyna

Lockdown 2.0

You are a gift. Open up. Be present.   Dear Ashtangis, As most of you already know, the Canton of Lucerne has decided to implement even stricter rules than BAG suggested and all sport venues have to close as of today. With a heavy heart, I will also have to close our studio for the…

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Newsletter November 1920 983 Martyna

Newsletter November

Just as the water reflects the sun and the moon, the body reflects the mind and the soul. Rumi Dear Ashtangis, I’m really happy to see such big interest in the classes right now. Those of you, who have been practicing with me since I started in Lucerne, know the ups and downs I went…

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October Newsletter 1920 947 Martyna

October Newsletter

Yoga must not be practiced to control the body. It is the opposite: it must bring freedom to the body, all the freedom it needs. Vanda Scaravelli Dear Ashtangis, I hope this email finds you well. I love Autumn in Lucerne and even more so because the classes fill up and I can spend the…

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September Newsletter 1920 1074 Martyna

September Newsletter

There is no doubt that the foundation of being a great yoga teacher is being a great yoga student. – Rod Stryker    Dear Ashtangis, I’ve spent the last weeks listening to your needs and planning the future of Ashtanga Yoga Luzern. I like changes and I’m happy the studio is evolving and I can…

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August Newsletter 1920 763 Martyna

August Newsletter

In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety. Growth must be chosen again and again. Fear must be overcome again and again. Abraham Maslow Dear Ashtangis, It really warms my heart that you keep coming regularly even though it’s so tempting to stay outside…

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