Martyna in Mysore 2560 1624 Martyna

Martyna in Mysore

Dear Yogis, The time has come for me to take another trip to India! Between January 29th and March 1st 2024 I will be in Mysore practicing with Sharath Jois. But I’m leaving you in good hands – almost all of the regular classes will be covered by Claudia Zimmermann and Anna Zdepski. They are…

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June Newsletter 1196 679 Martyna

June Newsletter

Dear Ashtangis, After what felt like a particularly miserable and rainy Spring, I’m sure everyone is enjoying those beautiful sunny days ☀️ I definitely feel a burst of energy and I’m especially happy about seeing some light on my way to the studio at 5am. People are often surprised that I do yoga so early…

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May Newsletter 1660 853 Martyna

May Newsletter

Dear Ashtangis, This has been an exciting couple of weeks. I joined a fun workshop with James Figueira, taught a wonderful retreat in Ticino and now I’m getting ready for a couple of days with another senior teacher, Peter Sanson. It’s refreshing and inspiring for me to join workshops with other teachers and I’m always excited to share my new…

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March Newsletter 1196 745 Martyna

March Newsletter

Dear Ashtangis, I don’t know about you, but I’m emerging from what was probably my busiest quarter yet 🤯 Juggling yoga classes, psychology clients, workshops and studying trauma has been a bit of a challenge, but the learning curve has been appropriate to the effort invested. Plus if you know me, you might have noticed that I…

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February Newsletter 2560 1033 Martyna

February Newsletter

If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream. – Dan Millman   Dear Ashtangis, The Fasnacht break is over, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Visits to Poland tend to be quite busy for me – only a couple of days to meet…

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December Newsletter 1920 766 Martyna

December Newsletter

Dear Ashtangis, It’s been a busy two months since you’ve last heard from me! I spent those weeks not only teaching, studying and traveling to yoga workshops, but also doing a lot of deep thinking about the studio and the next steps for Ashtanga Yoga Luzern. I feel that after two quiet years people slowly find…

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October Newsletter 1920 1082 Martyna

October Newsletter

Self-care is so much more than a beauty regimen or an external thing you do. It has to start within your heart to know what you need to navigate your life. A pedicure doesn’t last, but meditating every day does. Carrie Anne Moss    Dear Ashtangis, The autumn is definitely here and I’m enjoying it…

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September Newsletter 1920 1160 Martyna

September Newsletter

No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship. James P. Comer     Dear Ashtangis, This summer has been unusually busy for me. I’ve been to three yoga retreats and in between I was teaching full time and even refurnished the studio a bit. I’ve also invested more time into my other career as…

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July Newsletter 1920 1040 Martyna

July Newsletter

In the same way that gold is melted in a pot to remove its impurities that raise to the surface, yoga asanas boil the blood and bring all of our toxins to the surface, which are then removed through sweat. If the method of vinyasa is followed, the body becomes healthy, strong and pure like…

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June Newsletter 1920 922 Martyna

June Newsletter

You’ve got to follow your passion. You’ve got to figure out what it is you love – who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams. Oprah Winfrey   Dear Ashtangis, The last couple of weeks were…

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May Newsletter 1920 867 Martyna

May Newsletter

I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy. I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it. Art Williams   Dear Ashtangis, It’s hard to believe, but Ashtanga Yoga Luzern turned six today! I started in May 2016 with two Mysore classes in a sub-rented space and before I realised I already taught full…

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March Newsletter 1920 786 Martyna

March Newsletter

Listen to silence. It has so much to say. Rumi   Dear Ashtangis, This has been a busy first quarter of the year for me and I’m glad I could take a break and spend ten days in a complete silence at the meditation retreat. You would be surprised how inspiring sitting on a meditation…

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