May Newsletter

May Newsletter

May Newsletter 1660 853 Martyna

Dear Ashtangis,

This has been an exciting couple of weeks. I joined a fun workshop with James Figueira, taught a wonderful retreat in Ticino and now I’m getting ready for a couple of days with another senior teacher, Peter Sanson. It’s refreshing and inspiring for me to join workshops with other teachers and I’m always excited to share my new insights with you! Especially our retreat felt like channeling all my knowledge to you, talking about yoga all day long 😀

On a different note, did you know that tomorrow is AYL’s seventh birthday? 🎉 😮 Just like the practice has its ups and downs – sometimes you fly above the mat and sometimes your back doesn’t bend at all… – so does teaching yoga. There are days when I’m inspired and days when I don’t have as much energy. There are times when the studio is full and times when there are few people to teach. But no matter how challenging running a yoga studio can get, I feel it’s worth every minute of my time and every drop of my sweat. Meeting all of you has been a gift and seeing your happy faces after the practice is the best reward. So let’s hope for many more years for Ashtanga Yoga Luzern! 🎂

Below you can find events and schedule changes of the next couple of weeks:

  • This month’s workshop on May 13th will be about building strength 💪 Arm balances and inversions can be challenging, but I will show you how to slowly build the required strength and approach them with small steps. Inversions have many health benefit and arm balances can be very playful while building your confidence – don’t miss it!
  • May and June are full of holidays and long weekends. I will be mostly around, but a few classes will be cancelled (Thursdays May 18th & June 8th) and I might ask you to sign up early for other ones that fall on a holiday (Monday, May 29th). Please keep checking the website around the days off – all the changes are written under the class schedule and Fitogram is always up to date.
  • In June I will go to a yoga retreat with Harmony Slater (yes, my life does revolve around yoga 😜). But it won’t affect our classes much – I will still teach our monthly Sunday class on June 4th and I already scheduled the next workshop for June 17th. The topic will be, per your request, hands-on adjustments!
  • Recently the classes have really picked up and there are many new students starting the practice. If you’re one of them, please save the date of the next Introduction workshop – June 23rd. You can still join it after a couple of weeks of regular classes to catch up with necessary theory.
  • September seems very far ahead, but our yoga retreat in Château Gottrau is already almost full! I have one more spot in a twin room left, so hurry up if you’re interested ⏰ All students who already booked the retreat will received an email confirmation next week. And those of you, who will miss it, don’t worry! I’m already working on the next retreat in the Winter ❄️

