You know your yoga practice is working when your life gets better, not when your yoga gets better. – Hala Khouri
Dear Ashtangis,
As spring is slowly approaching, I see some yogis are waking up from their winter sleep and have more energy to practice in the morning 🙂 For me this time of the year is all about revitalising and nourishing my body so that I have a fresh start after the cold winter months. I hope you also take some time to take care of yourselves!
Below you can find information about schedule changes and events in the upcoming weeks.
- Spring is a great time to take care of your body, therefore I will start by giving a workshop about Detox and healing through Ashtanga Yoga on March 16th. We will talk about the therapeutic aspect of this practice and will explore different poses that heal illnesses and help us to keep our bodies in good health. I will also share with you my experience about diet that supports the yoga practice.
- Please notice that there will be no class on Saturday, March 23rd. All the other classes this month will take place according to the regular schedule.
- Yogis new to Ashtanga Yoga will have another chance to join a free Ashtanga Open Class on March 30th (Saturday). Maybe someone in your family or friends would like to give it a try? Let them know!
- The open class will be followed by an Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga workshop on April 6th. This workshop is a great way for you to learn the theory and the techniques that we use in the class, making the start in the regular classes much easier for you. It’s also a good chance for those of you who have already joined some classes, but would like to learn the theory behind it.
- The Full Primary Series Led class in March won’t take place, instead you can join a special class with a guest teacher Chantal Hauser this Sunday. I will teach the full sequence again on April 7th.
- If you have someone you would like to share yoga with, you can now buy them a new yoga gift voucher – available at the studio. It can be a voucher for their first yoga pass, an intro workshop, a private lesson or even simply a trial class in a group. Sharing is caring!