If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream.
– Dan Millman
Dear Ashtangis,
The Fasnacht break is over, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Visits to Poland tend to be quite busy for me – only a couple of days to meet all relatives and old friends, to run some errands and to try a few new restaurants (Warsaw happens to be one of the world’s top cities for vegan food 😍). But I didn’t forget about yoga – I joined a friend’s class for inspiration and at home I practiced on my old mat that I bought 21 years ago (!). I even happened to teach one class – it was my mom’s wish to start yoga on her 59 birthday 🙃
Back in Lucerne I observe a tendency that New Year’s resolutions often only last from January 1st until the carnival 😅 A few days off can get you off track, making it hard to restore your routine. If you notice that you’re looking for excuses not to practice, don’t listen to your mind – it can get very chatty! Listen to your body that will sure be happy to move and relax.
Here are a few updates for the next couple of weeks:
- We will begin March as usual, with the monthly Full Primary Series & Pranayama class. If Ashtanga Led II has become comfortable for you or you practice at least half of the Series in Mysore, feel free to join us on Sunday. Remember that since January I also teach the full sequence weekly on Thursday evenings. –> SIGN UP
- Following Saturday, on March 11th, I will teach our monthly workshop. The topic of this month will be Detox & Healing through Ashtanga Yoga. We will explore the therapeutic aspect of the Primary Series – how asanas press on our organs and improve the functioning of different systems of the body. We will also discuss diet that best supports the yoga practice. –> SIGN UP
- The last event of the month will be an Introduction to Ashtanga workshop on March 17th. I encourage all new students, including those who already visited some classes, to join this workshop – I will explain you everything you need to know to start a regular Ashtanga practice. Among others, you will learn basic yoga philosophy, the ujjayi breath, the alignment in sun salutations and how to do a short yoga practice at home. –> SIGN UP
- If you’ve practiced with me for a while, you know that I really value the sense of community that you can find through yoga. Apart from being able to make new connections in the classes, workshops and retreats, feel free to stay in touch with us through our WhatsApp group.It allows me to share with you different yoga resources as well as short asana videos that I create for this group. If you want to join, please email me your phone number.