February Newsletter

February Newsletter

February Newsletter 1920 1080 Martyna

Begin; this is how to clear the polluted river. If you’re scared, scared to fail, I say begin already, fail if you must, pick yourself up, start again. If you fail again, you fail. So what? Begin again. It is not the failure that holds us back, but the reluctance to begin over again that cause us to stagnate. 

Clarisa Pincola Estés

Dear Ashtangis,

I hope you all enjoyed Fasnacht and skiing holidays or simply had a nice couple of days off. I myself escaped carnival and had a quiet time visiting family, reading books and doing yoga with my friends in Poland. It is important to take breaks and charge your batteries from time to time, but it is equally important not to hesitate and wait to come back to your practice afterwards. You might feel lazy and a bit stiff when you start again, but I assure you – just step on the mat and your body will soon remember the state from before the holidays! 

Below you can find a short update about schedule changes and events in the upcoming weeks. 

  • Most of you already know that the Saturday Led class remained very empty throughout the Winter and therefore from March on it will be taken off the schedule. You can join the last class this Saturday (February 29th) and afterwards come to the new Monday evening Led class II instead. I’m also planning to schedule more workshops and events on Saturdays so stay tuned and observe the website and AYL facebook page! 
  • The next scheduled workshop will be about Bandhas, breath and vinyasa – the event was moved from February to March 14th (Saturday).  Bandhas are an essential part of the Ashtanga Yoga method so don’t miss it – we will learn how to properly use the muscles of the pelvic floor and lower abdomen in order to affect our breathing, performance of the vinyasas and the alignment in different asanas. Here you can find more information. 
  • The next two Saturday workshops will be about pranayama & meditation (April 4th) and about stretching and strengthening the Psoas muscle (April 25th). Save the dates, I will soon post more details on the website
  • As you might have noticed, recently I updated the website with a new interactive schedule on the bottom of the “classes” page. You can use it to sign up for the classes and events if you want to or you can just log in to see the details of your Yoga Pass. This schedule is always updated with current changes and events. There’s also a Fitogram app that you can download and use for the same purpose. Signing up for the regular classes is still not obligatory and you can also contact me directly to sign up for events if you prefer not to use the app. 


