Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, the studio is equipped with yoga mats, blocks and other props you might need during the class. You are also free to bring your own yoga mat (and even store it at the studio if you like). You can find more information about the studio here.

  • There are no showers, but you can refresh in the bathroom after the class.

  • You can book a class using the Eversports booking tool on the website. Please note that unless the booking tool is out of order, I do not take any bookings/cancelations through email and text messages.

  • You can cancel your booking at any time in your Eversports account. Your credit will be refunded until 3 hours before the class (or until 7pm for the morning classes).

  • You can make a bank transfer or pay with Twint (contact number) while booking through Eversports or pay with cash, Twint or card at the studio.

  • Yes, you don’t need any prior yoga experience before coming to my classes. I recommend you start with Ashtanga Led class I, a Mysore class or the next Introduction workshop.

  • A Led class is a regular group yoga class where the teacher leads the students through the Ashtanga sequence. In a Mysore every student practices on their own and gets an individualized instruction from the teacher – like a private class within a group.

  • Yes, the teacher is there to guide you and help you memorize the sequence.

  • If you have no prior experience in Ashtanga Yoga, I suggest you start with the Ashtanga I – you will learn the necessary basics and the class will be easier for you to follow. I recommend this class even if you’ve previously done yoga before – Ashtanga classes have a different structure to other yoga styles and it’s good to learn in step by step.

    However, if you have done Ashtanga previously or you are very experienced in Vinyasa yoga, you might skip the beginner class and go straight to the Ashtanga II where we do the first half of the Primary Series.