December Newsletter

December Newsletter

December Newsletter 1920 842 Martyna

I look at the yoga exercises as a model for life. In life there are stresses all the time and you have to learn how to deal with them. In yoga you put your body through artificially induced stressful situations and you learn how to deal with them in a controlled environment. If I come across something stressful, I say to myself: ‘Breathe and just do it like you would do a yoga pose: one step at a time’.

 Simon Borg-Olivier


Dear Ashtangis,I hope this email finds everyone healthy and that you’ve been enjoying the winter wonderland that Lucerne has become! I’m heading towards Christmas holidays with a feeling of gratitude and relief. This year has been particularly challenging for yoga studios and personally for me, so I’m glad that we’ve made it through all ups and downs and I still keep seeing you in the classes. Let’s stick together and hope for the best in the next year. And in the meantime I wish you an enjoyable advent time! Take a stroll in a snowy forest, visit a Christmas market and don’t forget to regularly step on your yoga mat! 

Below you can find an update about the classes and events in the next couple of weeks:

  • I will start with an important update regarding the new Covid regulations. As of December 6th (Monday) Covid Certificates are required in all sport facilities, including yoga studios. The so called 3G rule applies to us – that means you have to be either vaccinated, recovered or tested in order to join all the regular classes and events. Please make sure that you always have the certificate and a valid ID with you when you come to the class. You still don’t have to wear a mask in the studio, I just need to collect the contact data from all the students. Those of you, who decide to take a break until those regulations are lifted, can contact me in order to have their yoga passes paused. You can also join the online streaming of the classes every Thursday!
  • I hope this won’t be the case, but it might happen that the new rules will affect the class attendance. Please remember to keep signing up on time for all the classes so that I know that there are at least two students registered three hours before the class (or until 9pm for the morning classes).
  • Now let’s move to some happy news! The next Ashtanga yoga retreat in Ticino is confirmed and scheduled for May 5th to 8th 2022. I received a really good feedback about the last one and I’m very much looking forward to going back to the lovely Eco-hotel Cristallina. The retreat will be small and personal so don’t wait too long – I’ve already got the first few sign ups. You can find all the information about the retreat on the website.
  • The next workshop is scheduled for January 8th (Saturday) and the topic we will explore is the bandhas. Bandhas are an essential part of this practice – using your pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles will make you feel lighter, energised and more stable. I will soon post more info on the website.
  • This year I’ve decided to spent my Christmas in an unusual way – by going to a silent meditation retreat in the Vipassana tradition. I will be gone from December 23rd to January 3rd. In this time there will be no classes and I won’t be reachable by phone or email. I will happily answer all your messages once I’m back online. I’m very curious about this new experience and I’m looking forward to sharing the new knowledge about this important part of yoga with you. 
  • Speaking of Christmas – if you are still looking for special gifts for your loved ones, consider making them healthier and happier by inviting them for a yoga class! I have beautiful gift vouchers available for purchase – you can buy someone a single class, a workshop or a yoga pass. 
  • Remember that any small changes to our weekly schedule – like when I cancel a class because of my school (December 17th) or holidays (December 8th) – are always listed under the timetable on the website. I also keep you updated through our WhatsApp group*.




*If you would like to be added to the group to receive updates, practice tips and videos, please email me your phone number.