Studio closed

Studio closed

Studio closed 1920 1081 Martyna

Dear Yogis,

As you might already know from the news, the Swiss state announced today a state of emergency to fight the coronavirus pandemic. In order to comply with the new regulations I will have to stop teaching all the classes as of tomorrow, March 17th, until the restrictions are lifted. All your yoga passes will be extended accordingly. 
The situation is new and I am still in a process of figuring out if for example teaching private classes would a safe alternative. In the next couple of days I will also look for an online platform that would make it possible for me to give some online classes as well as I will start a facebook group where I can support your home practice.  Stay tuned and expect another email from me in the next couple of days with more information. 
I will miss seeing you in person, but I hope we can stay in touch and support each other during this difficult time. Take a good care and stay healthy!