May Newsletter

May Newsletter

May Newsletter 1920 998 Martyna

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. – Brené Brown


Dear Ashtangis,

it makes me very happy to see our yoga community growing and the classes are slowly filling up. Thank you for choosing this practice and for trusting me with your bodies. I really appreciate every single time you show up on your mat and I’m doing my best to be a good companion in your yoga journey!

Below you can find information about schedule changes and events in the upcoming weeks. 

  • May 30th (Thursday) is a public holiday, but the classes will take place as usual. There is another holiday on June 10th (Monday) – if you would like to join this class, please sign up by sending me an email or a text message.
  • In June I will open a new Mysore class on Mondays, 17.00 till 19.00. Come and give the traditional method of teaching Ashtanga a try! Beginners are always welcome in Mysore classes. Hope to see you in the first class on June 3rd. 
  • Please remember that from June on the Saturday and Sunday Led classes will start earlier, at 9.00. The next Full Primary Series Led class will take place on June 2nd. You can always check the website for the updated schedule.
  • The next workshop on June 8th (Saturday) will be about Hip-opening yoga poses. We will explore different poses and preparations that bring mobility to the hips. Among others, we will practice opening the hips for lotus poses and backbends – asanas that are among the most challenging for many yoga practitioners.
  • In June I will again take a few days off to take care of my own practice and to assist Petri Räisänen in his retreat. There will be no classes from June 15th till 22nd. I hope you won’t lose your motivation and you will be able to unroll your yoga mat for a home practice!

