Yoga must not be practiced to control the body. It is the opposite: it must bring freedom to the body, all the freedom it needs.
Vanda Scaravelli
Dear Ashtangis,
I hope this email finds you well. I love Autumn in Lucerne and even more so because the classes fill up and I can spend the cold days in our beautiful studio, listening to the sound of your ujjayi breath by the candlelight. I’m happy to see that the new class schedule is working well and it was worth it to apply the little changes. I’m especially proud of all of you, who tried the Mysore classes for the first time – I hope you enjoy the quiet, focused atmosphere in those classes as much as I do!
Below you can find an update about the schedule changes and events in the next couple of weeks:
- It makes me very happy to see so many new students starting the practice in the last couple of weeks! However, because the number of people in one class is limited during the pandemic, the Ashtanga Led class I on Tuesdays is often overbooked. In order to make sure that all the beginners have space in the class, I will have to make a temporary adjustment and change the Moon sequence class on Thursday evenings to another Ashtanga Led I for the next couple of weeks. I really enjoy teaching this new gentle class and I will definitely put it back in the schedule when all the beginners can fit in the Tuesday evening class. Please observe the Fitogram schedule on the website as I will keep adjusting it according to the situation. And to all the new students: welcome on your yoga journey!
- Because the first Sunday of November happens to be a holiday, I will teach the Full Primary Series Led class one week later, on November 8th. Enjoy Halloween!
- The next workshop on October 17th (Saturday) will be about inversions. We will work on poses like the Shoulderstand and Headstand, exploring different variations and preparations. We will also play with more advanced poses like Pincha Mayurasana and Handstand, doing some simple preparations to build up the necessary strength and sense of balance. I will show you step-by-step progressions for each pose so that the class is available to students with different levels of experience. You can find more details on the website.
- The next Introduction workshop is scheduled for November 6th (Friday). Please come if you are new to this practice or if you would like to learn more about the theory and the exact techniques we use in the classes
- Please remember that especially now, with the number of covid cases going up, we all have to abide by the protective measures in the studio. Take care of each other and make sure that you wash your hands before coming in and keep the necessary distance from other students. You can find all the rules here.
PS. If you would like to stay up to date and receive some extra tips for your practice, please text me and I will add you to our WhatsApp group 🙂